Adults and children alike all enjoy the classic sweet treat that is a chocolate brownie! When it comes to a casino themed party or event, don’t be so hasty as to cross brownies off of your list- these delicious snacks can be quickly adapted into “Domino Brownies” to match your theme and satisfy your hungry guests. Easy to make, easy to eat, you can’t go wrong with this simple recipe!
This recipe makes 16 Domino Brownies. You will need the following:
- 75 grams of plain flour
- 250 grams of caster sugar
- 175 grams of unsalted butter
- 40 grams of cocoa powder
- 175 grams of chocolate
- 3 medium eggs
- Icing pens (in white or black but if you want some funkier looking brownies, pick brighter colours!)
If you wish to add nuts to the recipe, we recommend about 50 grams, but this is optional.
1) Before you begin making your brownies, preheat the oven to 180 degrees or gas mark 4. You’ll also need to prepare a baking tray- the best to use for brownies is a square cake tin. Line and grease the sides and the base of the tin with a small amount of butter and/or some baking paper.
2) The first thing you need to do is place a bowl over a pan full of simmering water. Break up the chocolate into smaller chunks and put in the bowl, put the butter into the bowl too and then leave them to melt. When it looks like it’s all melted, cool the temperature of the pan slightly.
3) Next, whisk up the sugar and the eggs until they are creamy and thick in consistency. Pour this mixture over the chocolate and butter mix in the bowl and fold it in, mixing the two mixtures up together well.
4) Following this, sift in the cocoa powder and the flour very gradually so as to avoid getting lumps and bumps. If you’re adding nuts to your mixture, this is where you should pour these in too. When everything is mixed up well together into one smooth mixture, pour into the pre prepared tin. Make sure that the mixture reaches the very edges and corners of the tin.
5) Bake the mixture for 25-30 minutes. When it is ready to leave the oven, it should be crusty on the top and should be softer and wobble slightly underneath.
6) Refrigerate the mixture overnight to cool it right down and make cutting and removing from the tin easier. When removed from the fridge, cut into rectangle shapes.
7) When the brownies have been cut up, you can begin to ice them! If you don’t know what a domino looks like, make sure to google a picture or buy a packet before you begin icing! Using an icing pen, draw a line across the middle of the rectangle, so there are two squares. Then ice a different number of spots- similar to the face of a dice- on each side of the brownie! If you want to be really creative, you could even ice the brownies so that you could play a game of domino’s with them- if not, just make them totally random!
8) Leave the icing to dry and then serve and enjoy!